On this page I'll describe each member of my family. I will tell you guy about family and some of their description,Thank

I will describe my Dad.My father name is CHIN MUI KIONG.He was born in Sarawak.He is about 50 an above.He is a very serious
man and like to scold us when we make mistake or do something wrong,Anyway,this is some of my father description

Here I will describe my Mom.My mother name is Lim Jee Hee.He was born in Sarawak.He is about 50 an above.He is a
very serious woman and like to scold us when we make mistake or do something wrong,Anyway,this is some of my mother

Here I might write about my brother. He is one my brother and he is the eldest.His name is Ricky Chin Ming Khian,24 years
old and was born in kuching,Sarawak.He is generousity and kindness to anybody.He now works as a chef in an restaurant.

Other Relatives(MY GRANDMOTHER)
Here I might talk about other people in my family, or include a picture of all of us together at some special event.